Haha! Good one, JWFacts! "Faithful and Discreet Slave Owners!"
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
JW's are slaves- but not in a good way
by joey jojo ini was reading about the american slave trade again recently.
as anyone who has read anything about the subject knows, it makes for very uncomfortable reading.
every time i read the history, i'm left with a sense of outrage and seething anger at the pure inhumanity and injustice of what life must have been like for those people.
Beard update
by Coded Logic inso it's been over a month since i decided to grow a beard.
the mustache and chin have come in fuller than i ever imagined - while the cheeks leave me wondering if i'll ever grow enough hair to make it not look so wildly unkept and patchy (if anyone has any advice here it'd be much appreciated).
but in the mean time i'll give it another month and see how it goes.. .
cha ching
Not every face is the same, yours looks quite nice! Enjoy it anyway you like! You are free!
Do any of the JWs go out door to door with a territory any more?
by Spiral ini actually had a neighbor ask me that the other day (she knows i'm an "ex" jw) and i didn't really know the answer.
i know there's a bit of cart witnessing going on (small town) and a lot of driving around to return visits.. but are they actually doing territory, not-at-homes, all of that?
the neighbor said that eight years ago, when she bought her house, the jws were by "all the time".
cha ching
My sister lives in a neighborhood where she sees the Spanish congregation going door to door quite regularly, and although she has not been to a meeting in over 5 years, an ex-JW "friend" (the kind that doesn't pay you back) still leaves invitations and an occasional magazine on her front door step.... (to get her time started)
Translation Please
by jwundubbed ini hate asking stupid or obvious questions, but i missed something somewhere along the line.
what is pimi and pomi?
did i even get the acronyms correct?
cha ching
Haha! thanks for asking, jwundubbed, (and for all of you that answered) we had a great laugh reading these!
WT rules about forgiving a cheating mate
by Addison0998 ini hate the rule about if your mate cheats on you, and you have sex with them, you are not free to remarry because the sex means you forgave them and keeps you stuck with them!
i personally disagree and think it’s so controlling that they think they can dictate what goes on behind closed doors between two consenting, legally married married people.
and that they think they have the right to label what other people’s sex means.
cha ching
Amen! the WT is insane! and controlling! and EVERYTHING! Right!!??
New data movement this is what I see as their goals .
by Crazyguy inafter listening to the leaked videos this is what i think it’s all about.
first i don’t believe they will want to much personal information ie bank accounts etc do to potential legal problems down the road.
what i think is their goal is once all publishers are in the data base they then have no need for written information about any issue concerning a publisher and how issues are handled by elders and the branch etc... this information now is in their own data base and can be deleted or manipulated by them at any time.
cha ching
PS, I think they want to use this data bank to check out what people are on JW.borg, and what they 'look up'.... Even when I look things up on that site, I wonder "Are they tracking how many people look up "607"?
Or, maybe they see a trend in people looking up, "child sex abuse" and then they give a talk on it?
New data movement this is what I see as their goals .
by Crazyguy inafter listening to the leaked videos this is what i think it’s all about.
first i don’t believe they will want to much personal information ie bank accounts etc do to potential legal problems down the road.
what i think is their goal is once all publishers are in the data base they then have no need for written information about any issue concerning a publisher and how issues are handled by elders and the branch etc... this information now is in their own data base and can be deleted or manipulated by them at any time.
cha ching
No, fading is not a DFing offense.... but 'just not be there', and they treat you as if you are DF'd. I am not DF'd, but my sister considers me "apostate"... haha! which I am, but I never talk to them about it... I just do not 'go'
How to "turn the tables" on still-in witness who pry about our status.
by stuckinarut2 inso many of us have had (perhaps well-meaning) jws ask us questions about our inactivity, or lack of attendance at meetings.
they may pry about why..... how is this for a simple, yet straight to the point response?
to a sincere person, it may play on their mind and make them ask more questions.
cha ching
I understand what you are saying scratchme.... I kind of feel the same way.... I know how JWs think…
Like stuckinarut was musing... I want to have a retort ready, to blast them if they ask. Kind of a 'damned if they do, and damned if they don't" kind of answer. I don’t like being left speechless, like I just got hit on the head.
My JW uber duber sister, with an elder for a husband, came up to me as I came to clean my JW mother's house, and announced to me:
"I just want you to know. We know you are not disfellowshipped, but you don't believe in the name of Jehovah. You are an apostate, and we ARE going to shun you"
So, I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I thought... if anyone ever says this to me again, I will reply:
"That is the difference between you and I."
"I am not going to be complicit in child sex abuse. I have seen the WT lawyers lie. I have seen Geoffrey Jackson lie in a court of law. God does not make me sit with liars, but if I want my family, the WT B&S makes me to go to meetings and sit with men of lies. That’s blackmail. No thank you, that is NOT for me. That IS the difference between you and I."
Does the younger generation have our work ethic?
by compound complex ingreetings, you hard workers:.
i've had enough of speaking in generalities during my time as a jw evangelizer.
while my own experience will offer up mere anecdotal examples at best, my contemporaries and i have found that kids today lack the earnestness and drive we older folks have had since youth: setting up a lemonade stand; doing yard work without power assist; mopping floors; running errands for a dime; cleaning parking lots, etc.
cha ching
OMGGGG!!!! Sour Grapes! That video is JUST like my office! Don't you DARE ask them to do, aha, hmmm anything? more than minimal?
They call in late ALL the time, they 'get sick'... they are ready to scream "mental health'!/ HR, and totally have their latte's, starbucks, etc.
It is ALLLLL about THEM! Ages? There were a couple in their 20's, but these are the 30-40 year olds.
I have a few co-workers that actually work, are courteous, and reasonable. They are the 'older' generation, 50+, except this one girl, she is around 40, very polite, quiet, helpful.
Is it just the 'society', the 'culture' that we live in? I just don't know, but I absolutely hate their attitude. They want ME to come to THEIR desk to answer questions... Will they come to mine? NOT! Me first, me first, me always..... that is how I would describe them.
Selling off their London Properties.
by Lost in the fog inhaving sold off their brooklyn properties for $$$$ the watchtower society is doing the same thing with their properties in london, england.
http://ibsaproperty.com .
cha ching
Lost in the Fog... 7 or 8 properties!!! These are beautiful, awesome, expensive, audacious properties! If any of US owned them... we would be "counselled"
I agree with many, that the WT is "closing house."